Market-leading Martech firm raising £4 million pre-IPO Phase 2

A group of marketing technology companies with clear routes to growth, big name investors and a clear path to exit. This British Martech group with over 10 million in revenue has just completed its first industry acquisition and is now looking to complete its second in April 2023, growing at this speed means the group is targeting 175% growth in 2023.

Phase 2 closing







So far this phase

£2920000 raised

£4000000 goal


£2920000 raised

£4000000 goal


Meet investor relations

NMG has a dedicated investor relation team who are actively engaging with the NMG investor community, investors gain access to a investment login area where they can watch back board meetings, ask questions and engage with the founder and wider team. Arrange a call with investor relations using the link below:

£32 m valuation (30% discount available)

2023/24 estimated IPO/Exit

£580,000+ MRR

£110m exit target


This raise is popular with our investors

This raise has proved very popular with initial investors and is filling faster than anticipated. Make sure you don’t miss out on this potential future martech giant.

Watch the presentation

What happens next?

We’d recommend speaking to one of our consultants. To qualify, you must be a high net worth individual or a sophisticated investor. Quickly confirm your eligible and we’ll set things up.

Speak to investor relations